Ignorance is bliss

~~~Ignorance is bliss… until a disaster strikes. It may not be a hurricane, tornado, or flood. Your disaster could very well be hacking that exposes member’s credit card data. It could be discovering a trusted employee has been stealing for years. Disaster headlines...

Share your BR|E success stories

~~~Share your BR|E success stories… We are looking for BR|E success stories – collaboration, individual company, group company, saves, recognition, ah ha moments, etc. – for future issues of the Coach’s Playbook series, our ongoing research, as well as articles we are...

No Magic Number…

~~~No Magic Number… A single, magic number does not exist. “How many BR|E interviews should we complete?” This is a question we get all the time. In reality, 25 -50 good executive interviews will tell you everything you need to know about the problems and challenges...