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   Synchronist Pricing

Software Pricing

Pricing is based on the type of licenses, modules, and the population of the service area to be covered. Call for details 630.462.9222

License Options

  • Master License
  • Regional License
  • Local License

Module Options

  • Prime
  • Main St.
  • Opportunity Manager
  • Talent
  • CRM
Initial License Fee Synchronist licenses are one-time fees. There are no seat licenses to add additional operating costs. So, whether you have 3 users on day one, and decide to add other users over time, the fee does not change.
Annual Update Fees The annual update fee begins in year 2 of operation.
Modules Licensed separately, maximum flexibility, pay only for what you use.
Multi-Module Discount Licenses are discounted per license when two or more licenses are purchased.



The Synchronist platform provides our clients, at no charge, the ability to add custom fields and survey questions to meet their specific needs. For some clients, more advanced customization of the system is required. In those instances, we have an experienced internal IT team, with more than three decades system development and coding knowledge, to meet your specific requirements.  Call for details 630.462.9222

I am a Salesforce designer/developer. I designed the region’s prospect tracking system on Salesforce. In Salesforce, I can’t generate a comprehensive client touch report. I can’t manage complex sales relationships. You deliver both and more in Synchronist. Very impressive!


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