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   Synchronist Research

Research, Innovation & Development

Since the original release of Synchronist in 1998, there has been an on-going stream of innovation.

New features and enhancements are continuous. Changing user needs and new technological capabilities drives some changes. Blane, Canada Ltd.’s on-going research on BR|E drives still more innovation. The result…constantly increasing capabilities and new techniques in the hands of Synchronist users.


All of this innovative energy is provided by the low annual update fees and automatically rolled out to ALL users as they are completed…

20 Years of Innovation

Synchronist Timeline

Some of the features that have been added...

  • Technology assessment
  • Business retention benchmarks (KPI)
  • Main Street version to support local business
  • Talent version to address workforce needs
  • Assistance/service delivery tracking and reporting
  • Community economic profile mapping
  • Multi-factor analysis tools
  • Goal-setting and tracking
  • Competitive Capacity Scorecard

The Synchronist development map is driven by client input; Blane, Canada’s internal R&D, and software trends.

BC AdvSoft
Synchronist is an entirely new approach to business retention. Helps, saves, and problem identification are only the beginning. Synchronist delivers on these traditional goals and raises the bar with an objective business assessment, community economic profile, and predictive information.

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What is your community's jobs number? Find out with Economic Engineering!

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Blane, Canada’s 13 Tips delivers the storyline, the insight, the ah ha and the source link to go deep if desired. A six minute read draws widely from the environment influencing successful economic development and leadership in a changing world to keep you ahead of the game.