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   Key Performance Indicators

Synchronist KPI

Blane, Canada Ltd. established information standards in business retention where none existed before. 

These standards, based on 20 years of data and extensive research, has driven the creation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The result, new insight for hundreds of economic development organizations as strengths and weaknesses are clarified.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) provide a context. Compared to what? KPI create a substantive comparison that has been missing in BR|E. The result is a solid foundation for economic development policy, program, and resource decisions. Without a context, it is just an educated guess!

Synchronist Business Retention Benchmarks:

With our database of executive interview data across nearly thirty (30) states and three (3) Canadian Provinces, our North American Database can provide benchmarks at the following levels:
  • National
  • Regional
  • Rural
  • Urban
  • Industry
Without a context, business retention survey facts are interesting, but meaningless for decision-makers. Synchronist is the ONLY BR|E system providing this type of comparison data. And, with a database of more than 350,000 completed executive interviews, we provide our clients the breadth and depth of knowledge they need to grow their business portfolios.
Sychronist KPI

Key Features

  • One-click reporting on pending and completed work your team and partners are doing on behalf of your market’s companies
  • Dynamically search and run reports on groups of individuals or companies
  • Outlook Plugin to easily move emails right into your company/project files

Any number is a good number, until there is a point of comparison!

Without a context, business retention survey facts are interesting, but meaningless for decision-makers.

I am working with the city to get a regulatory issue addressed (a little bit of denial here).  Our city leaders dismiss the negative comments on regulatory enforcement “because people don’t like regulations.” Can you forward me the regulatory KPI? This will show our city officials we do have a problem when compared to peers. Thanks.

Why would I NOT want to be able to compare our results to peers?


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Blane, Canada’s 13 Tips delivers the storyline, the insight, the ah ha and the source link to go deep if desired. A six minute read draws widely from the environment influencing successful economic development and leadership in a changing world to keep you ahead of the game.