by Blane Canada | Nov 29, 2018 | Creativity, Economic Development
Where is the innovation in your economic development effort? Here at Blane, Canada Ltd., we thrive on “lateral thinking” and have a history of innovation in economic development marketing and BR|E. Check the evidence or call for information on the next...
by Blane Canada | Jun 7, 2018 | BRE guru, BRE, BEAR Program
~~~Disconnect… The economic development and chamber of commerce models are built on “local” relationships and interest. When networks move to a national or global plane, how does economic development remain relevant? Join us for Existing Business Mindset – Maximizing...
by Blane Canada | Jun 7, 2018 | BRE guru, BRE, BEAR Program
~~~Our compliments to… Mark Nolte and the team at Iowa City Area Development Group (ICAD) for an excellent job on their video BR|E annual report. The well-executed video is an alternative to a typical printed report. Check it out!...
by Blane Canada | Jun 7, 2018 | BRE guru, BRE, BEAR Program
~~Speaking of disasters… Quick reminder for Synchronist Users, the Emergency Response tools are available anytime. While it is not a substitute for planning it is a tool set designed to speed recovery.
by Blane Canada | Jun 7, 2018 | BRE guru, BRE, BEAR Program
~~~Share your BR|E success stories… We are looking for BR|E success stories – collaboration, individual company, group company, saves, recognition, ah ha moments, etc. – for future issues of the Coach’s Playbook series, our ongoing research, as well as articles we are...